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發表於 2005-9-19 10:12:05
World of Warcraft Macro Guide 1.0
by Zekrynn, zekryn@yahoo.com
Table of Contents
[1] Introduction
[2] Updates
[3] Basics
3a. Target
3b. Accept Quest
[4] Combat
4a. Attack
4b. Assist
4c. Magic/Skills
[5] Bags
5a. Understanding location
5b. Putting location to use
5c. Open/Close all your bags
[6] Equip
6a. Understanding location
6b. Putting location to use
[7] Pets
7a. Pet Attack
7b. Target Pet's Target
7c. Feed Pet
7d. Warlock cast fear, pet stops
[8] Usefull Macros
8a. Change your Macro Page
8b. Feed your Pet with one click
8c. Open/Close all your bags
8d. Change 2 handed weapon with two 1 handers/sword+shield
[9] Contact
[10] Copyright
[1] Introduction
When I first started World Of Warcraft, I was disappointed when I
couldn't find a good macro guide online. To my knowlege, there isn't one
source with a lot of macro info. So this guide is based up off of the
little notes I got from many sources. I hope that this guide will be of
some use to those who need the help.
Currently there isn't anything really big, just simple stuff.
Eventually i'll add more complex macros when I get the chance.
[2] Updates
[v1.0] 2/19/05 - Put together my basic notes in order for a FAQ.
[3] Basics
3a. Target
If you're lazy and don't want to type "There's a so-and-so coming" or
someone in your party has a complicated name you cant type, like "???"
or something, you can use %t. When you send a message using %t, %t will
take the place of your target. So if you make a macro "Watch out! That %t
is near!" and you're targeting a bear, it'll apear as "Watch out! That bear
is near!". Likewise if you have ??? targeted, "/tell zekryn His name is %t"
will appear "To [Zekryn]: This name is ???".
3b. Accept Quest
/script AcceptQuest()
If you don't like sitting and waiting for a quest giver to slowly tell you
about a quest, /script AcceptQuest() will automatically accept the quest
even if the giver still babbles on.
3c. Magic/Skills
/cast Spell name()
Change "Spell name" for the spell, and you can put the rank in the ().
Also works for any skill. For example, we want to use Arcane Shot, rank 2
in the macro. Our macro would be: /cast Arcane Shot(Rank 2)
[4] Combat
4a. Attack
/script AttackTarget();
This will start attacking the target with your weapon. Alone, useless because
it works just like the basic attack skill, but it exist to use many commands
at once with use of macros.
4b. Assist
/assist %t
/assist #####
These two are good if your a caster/ranger and stand in the back where your
tank's back completely covers the enemy. /assist %t will change the target from
the party member you're currently targeting to the mob they're fighting. The
second one, /assist #####, replace the ##### with the players name to target
the mob whoever you have listed for #####. You can put the tank's name there
so that you can automatically target whatever the tnak is fighting
/script TargetLastEnemy();
This is pretty handy for shamans/druids. If you heal someone and the mob
you where attacking is hidden in a crowd, use this and it'll auto-target
the last enemy you where fighting
[5] Bags
5a. Understanding location
First, let me explain how to figure the location of each of your items. Say
we have a potion in the bottom most right hand corner of your Green Sack.
Lets look down at our tool bar. After our Latency bar, we have 5 slots for
bags. The numbers go backwards:
|| [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
As you can see, our Backpack is 0. It will always be 0, since you can't move it.
Now we see that our Backpack ID # is 0, Our Small Pouch is 1, Bag 2, Green Sack 3,
and our small quiver is 4. So, we know our potion is in the green bag. So for
location so far, we have (3,#). I said it's in the bottom most right hand corner,
so looking at our Green sack, we can see that is 10. Our potion's location is (3,10).
Bag 0 Bag 1
O---- Backpack ----O O--Small Pouch ----O
| | | |
| [ 1][ 2][ 3][ 4] | | [ 1][ 2] |
| [ 5][ 6][ 7][ 8] | | [ 3][ 4][ 5][ 6] |
| [ 9][10][11][12] | O------------------O
| [13][14][15][16] |
Bag 2 Bag 3
O--- Small Bag ----O O--- Green Sack ---O
| | | |
| [ 1][ 2][ 3][ 4] | | [ 1][ 2] |
| [ 5][ 6][ 7][ 8] | | [ 3][ 4][ 5][ 6] |
O------------------O | [ 7][ 8][ 9][10] |
Bag 4
O-- Small Quiver --O
| |
| [ 1][ 2] |
| [ 3][ 4][ 5][ 6] |
5b. Putting Location to Use
/script PickupContainerItem(#,#);
So you know how to find location, how can we use it? If you place our location of
our potion in /script PickupContainerItem(#,#);, then when we use this macro, our
potion then appears on our cusor.
5c. Open/Close all your bags
/script ToggleBag(0);
/script ToggleBag(1);
/script ToggleBag(2);
/script ToggleBag(3);
/script ToggleBag(4);
This is a handy little macro. When you run this, it will open all your bags. If you
press it again, it'll close them all. Basically this just reverses what you have so
if you have bag 1 and 2 open, and 0, 3, and 4 close, using this macro will close 1
and 2, and open 0, 3 and 4.
[6] Equip
6a. Understanding location
Like bags, each spot in your equip window has a numbered location.
( )=======Zekryn=========[x] 0. Ammo
|----------------------------| 1. Head
|----------------------------| 2. Neck
|[ 1] | | [10]| 3. Shoulders
|[ 2] | | [ 6]| 4. Shirt
|[ 3] | | [ 7]| 5. Chest
|[15] | | [ 8]| 6. Waist
|[ 5] | | [11]| 7. Legs
|[ 4] | | [12]| 8. Feet
|[19] | | [13]| 9. Wrist
|[ 9] | | [14]| 10. Hands
| ------------------ | 11. Finger
| [16][17][18]<-[0] | 12. Finger
|----------------------------| 13. Trinket
[~~~] [~~~] [~~~] 14. Trinket
15. Back
16. Main Hand
17. Off Hand
18. Ranged Weapon
19. Tabard
6b Putting Location to Use
/script PickupInventoryItem(#);
This is best paired with the bag use. The script above will equip
whatever is on your mouse to the item selected. For example we're
using a Sword and have an axe in our backpack (location 0,1).
Looking back, we can take:
/script PickupContainerItem(#,#); <- put in item location, 0,1
/script PickupInventoryItem(#); <- put in equip location, 16
Now we have:
/script PickupContainerItem(0,1)
/script PickupInventoryItem(16);
Now when we press this macro, it'll replace our sword with the axe.
The sword will be placed where our axe was, so if we press it again,
our axe will be replaced with the sword!
[7] Pets
7a. Pet Attack
/script PetAttack();
I find this useful as a Hunter. I have this in a macro attached with
Concussive Shot so that when I use it, my pet attacks.
7b. Target Pet's Target
/script TargetUnitsPet("layer");
This will simply target what your pet is targeting.
7c. Feed Pet
/cast Feed Pet
This works just like the ability feed pet, but.. If you add Item Location..
/cast Feed Pet
/script PickupContainerItem (0,1)
This will automatically feed your pet the item in Backpack, slot 1. It's
very useful, as I dont have to search for the right food, then click my pet.
7d. Warlock cast fear, pet stops.
/cast Fear(Rank #)
/script PetFollow();
I know it can be troublesome to cast fear and have your demon break it right
away. So, heres a simple macro to prevent it. Using this, you'll cast Fear
and your pet will turn and sit beside you.
[8] Useful Macros
First and foremost, most of the macros came from here:
http://forums.worldofwarcraft.co ... T=2739&
8a. Change your Macro page
/script ChangeActionBarPage();
Change X to the Page.
8b. Feed Pet
/cast Feed Pet
This works just like the ability feed pet, but.. If you add Item Location..
/cast Feed Pet
/script PickupContainerItem (0,1)
This will automatically feed your pet the item in Backpack, slot 1. It's
very useful, as I dont have to search for the right food, then click my pet.
8c. Open/Close all your bags
/script ToggleBag(0);
/script ToggleBag(1);
/script ToggleBag(2);
/script ToggleBag(3);
/script ToggleBag(4);
This is a handy little macro. When you run this, it will open all your bags. If you
press it again, it'll close them all. Basically this just reverses what you have so
if you have bag 1 and 2 open, and 0, 3, and 4 close, using this macro will close 1
and 2, and open 0, 3 and 4.
8d. Change 2 handers for 1hd+shield/2 1handers (By Darkhorn)
/script PickupInventoryItem(17);if(CursorHasItem()) then PickupContainerItem(4,2);
PickupContainerItem(4,1)ickupInventoryItem(16);else PickupContainerItem(4,1);
this should be all one line.
Put your main hand item in left most bag upper left slot, offhand item to the right
of it. put your 2h weapon in your inventory. Now this button will swap the two sets
back and forth.
[9] Contact
If you find a problem with my macros, have an idea, or have a question
you can e-mail me at Zekryn@yahoo.com. I'll try to help you to the best of my
abilities. I play on Gorefiend as a Troll Hunter, also by the name of Zekryn.
[10] Copyright
Copyright 2005 by Zekryn, zekryn@yahoo.com
World of Warcraft copyright 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment.
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use.
It may not be placed on any web site other than GameFAQs.com or Gamerhelp.com or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide
on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and
a violation of copyright.
Reference: http://www.gamerhelp.com/pc/WorldofWarcraft/103000.shtml |