Wi-fi版 iPad 配合手機分享藍牙導航
Steps:1. Jailbreak the iPad and install Cydia.
2. Download "BTstack GPS" app on Cydia ( The free version does not allow you to use the GPS signal on other apps like Sygic, TomTom ou Navigon, but you can buy the paid version that costs $5.00 and they accept Paypal)
3. Go to your android device and install the free app "BlueNMEA".
4. Run "BlueNMEA" and let the option "GPS" enabled. Enable the Bluetooth on your android (if possible, with no time out).
5.Turn on your iPad Bluetooth, then go to configuration, BTstack and select the BTstack option.
6.Now open the BTstack app on your iPad and connect to your cell.
7.That's it ! Now if you paid for the BTstack, you can now open Sygic or TomTom, or your preffered GPS app and use your iPad as a GPS on your car.
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD3F9rRX0I4